What Is A Large Concrete Pump Used For And How Does It Work?

If you have ever driven past a construction site where workers are pouring concrete, you may have seen them using a special tool known as a concrete pump. These pieces of equipment make moving concrete around a job site easier by pumping it through tubes or hoses. This eliminates the need for workers to move the concrete manually using buckets or wheelbarrows.

electric pump
Electric Pump for Sale

If you work in the concrete industry, it is important to learn what a large concrete pump is used for and how it works. Once you understand the benefits of these pumps, you can then decide whether or not to buy one for your business.

One of the biggest challenges associated with pouring concrete is figuring out how to get the freshly mixed concrete from the mixing truck to the pouring site. In situations where the truck can pull up close to the area where the concrete is being poured, this may not be an issue. https://aimix.my/large-concrete-pump/

Sometimes, however, the pour site can’t be accessed by a truck. For instance, if the concrete is being poured inside of a building or on the other side of a pre-existing fence or wall, pulling the concrete mixing truck up to the area is impossible.

large concrete pump
Large Concrete Pump for Sale

In situations like these, concrete pumps can make a world of difference. The way these pumps work is relatively straightforward. The pump itself is positioned next to the mixer truck, with the discharge chute from the truck directed at a special hopper on the pump.

Next, workers attach a series of pipes, hoses, or tubes to the pump, continuing to add sections until the hose is long enough to reach the area where the concrete is being poured.

Once everything is set up, the workers are ready to begin. One worker grabs the end of the hose, preparing to direct the flow of the wet concrete into the prepared area where it is being poured.

Back at the pump, the concrete mixer truck begins discharging concrete into the hopper. Once the concrete is inside the pump, it is pumped out through the hose using a series of pistons.

When the wet concrete eventually reaches the other end of the hose where the worker is waiting, it begins to flow out of the opening. At this point, all that the worker has to do is direct the flow of concrete to the right place to ensure that the entire area is evenly covered.

Other workers may use rakes or shovels to help smooth out the concrete, distributing it evenly throughout the pour site. Before the concrete sets, it is leveled and troweled, providing a smooth, even surface.

At this point, the last thing that is left to do is to clean up the concrete pump. The hoses or tubes are removed and thoroughly cleaned. Workers also clean the pump itself, getting rid of any leftover concrete residue inside so that it is ready to use again on the next job.

A large concrete pump is a valuable piece of equipment to have if you regularly work with concrete.