The Price Of Self Loading Concrete Mixers

Loading concrete into a mixer can be time consuming, which means it greatly increases the time for project completion. Those who choose to go with a self loading concrete mixer will have an easier time meeting deadlines. The cost will be higher than getting one you must load yourself. This will be made up for in the end.

There are many projects that require self loading concrete mixers. Concrete mixers are necessary for producing roads, sidewalks and parking lots. They are also needed to produce basketball courts, patios and driveways. Before concrete, people had to travel on dirt roads and did not have a firm foundation to walk on. The lack of evenness of their path created a dirty environment where tripping was very possible.

3.5 cub self loading concrete mixer truck to Philippines in December 2019
3.5 cub self loading concrete mixer truck to Philippines in December 2019

Concrete can be damaged, but it holds up for an extremely long amount of time. Pot holes and cracks can be fixed by laying more concrete down. Some who run businesses choose to only do concrete maintenance. This creates shorter projects that can lead to more profit in the end. Here are several models and their prices:

5CBM Concrete Mixer Car

For most projects, concrete must be delivered to an area. This is done when it is attached to a vehicle. Most choose to buy vehicles that already have a concrete mixer attached. This is the easiest and most convenient way to transfer charcoal to an area. This model comes at a price that is equivalent to most new cars and nice used ones. Customers can expect to pay $16,000 for this concrete mixer.

Durable Self-Loading Concrete Mixers For Sale

This is a rather large concrete mixing vehicle that has state of the art technology. A fine job can be done on a large project. This model currently goes for $31,000. Those who own large construction businesses will find this vehicle useful and beneficial.

JZC350 Portable Mixer

This mixer needs to be hooked onto the back of a vehicle as one does not come with it. Some may find this to be a cheaper option for this reason. The cost is at a minimum of $2,200. This makes it perfect for those who wish to make concrete when they already have a truck.

4.0 Cubic Meter

This is a large vehicle that serves two functions. It has a concrete mixer and a large shovel at the front. For the value, it comes at a reasonable price of $31, 286. If you believe you will need these two functions, this is the perfect option.

High Efficiency Self Loading Concrete Mixer Truck in the Philippines

This is the cheapest machine out there. It is also highly portable as it can be loaded on the back of a regular truck. This can be used for small projects, such as building a basketball court.

Self Loading Concrete Mixer Truck in the Philippines
Self Loading Concrete Mixer Truck in the Philippines

Every Price Range And Purpose

There are concrete mixers for every price range and purpose. This allows customers to get the machine they need at a price they can afford. There are also lenders that will supply a note on the vehicle or machine to make it more affordable.