Advantages Of Investing A Cement Silo

Cement silos are usually located for large quantity storage of cement. Such silos are suitable in concrete manufacturing companies where there is a large amount of cement or construction site demanding a large of cement hence a silo is important. One of the most aspect cement is that it is very sensitive to moisture hence a dry place to store it is necessary. This helps in avoiding wastage that would otherwise arise it the cement is contaminated. Moisture free storage conditions must be met hence necessitating the need for silos.

Types of silos based on the flexibility

Static cement silos

These cement silos for sale are usually found in concrete manufacturing plants where the dry cement is produced and stored waiting to be transported to the construction site. Although static silos are very common in these cement manufacturing plants they are becoming less popular since computerizing of cement where cement is made in the site of the construction when needed


welded type cement silos

Movable Cement Silos

These silos are suitable in a construction site where large cement for construction is needed and transporting it from the manufacturing plant based silos would delay the project.

The movable cement silos cames in a different capacity to adequately accommodate the cement required at the site.

They are greatly preferred in large construction sites and the locations where the site is and the production location is relatively cheaper to the transport of wet concrete from the tank. This is usually the case when the distance from the site to storage is large or large amounts of concrete are needed during the day is large. Note that the movable cement silos save the transportation cost of the cement producer and the same time-saving time for the contractors and builders.

Types of cement silos

Two popular types of cement silos are available in the current world of continuous construction; Mobile upright silos and the low-level silos.

Low-level silos

From the name, low-level silos can be transported by heavyweight carriage trucks to and fro the construction site. With computerizing of the silos most of the low-level silos have a load capacity of much many tones of about 70tons. Note that the fully electronic weighing systems enable accurate weight measurements possible hence not soo different from the silos in the production plant.

bolted type ash silo

Accurate inventory control systems are also installed thus management of the cement in the low-level silos is very effective. The low level is very useful because of its mobility because it helps in transport. Another significant advantage of low energy forces is that they are equipped with electronic systems that reflect the exact amount of accumulation inside.

Mobile upright silos

These silos are similar to the standard silos found in the silo plant. They are located in a place that is close to the construction site and not very far from the production plant. This place can be in the middle of the two places or any other place that is more suitable.

They are available in different capacities holding about 100 tons. Since these silos are similar to the silos in the production site they have more advanced technology compared to the low-level silos. They may be fitted with electronic weighing systems thus accurate measurements of the accumulated capacity is possible

50t silo to australia

Advantages of silos

-Offer the best protection for the cement.

Cement can spoil quickly when not stored in especially in a dry place, even though it is of good quality and strength. Silo storage systems help extend durability through better protection. Their modern designs ensure that moisture and other unpleasant weather conditions do not affect the quality of the cement stored there.

-Large storage is possible even in tight spaces:

Thanks to their special shape they provide more space in a limited space. This helps minimize the need for ground space to create a space for deposit.

-Easy loading and offloading

Again their design enables the heavyweight trucks going for the cement can be loaded efficiently using the modern lifting machines such as cranes hence saving time and maintaining the quality of the cement.

-Flexibility and cost-effective

Concrete manufacturers with many clients will find it more cost effective to locate silos near their clients so that the cement can be accessed whenever the client is in need of the cement. This will save the transportation of the cement to both the constructs and the comment manufacturing companies. There are horizontal cement silos, which is convenient to transport, you can learn more.